Seal of Biliteracy

Are you a SENIOR, graduating in May 2024?!

Do you want to wear a beautiful medallion at graduation?

DO YOU SPEAK, READ AND WRITE more than any one language??!!

Then, The Seal of Biliteracy is waiting for you! 

The Seal of Biliteracy is a medal you wear when you walk for graduation and a silver stamp (a seal) on your diploma.

Students can apply for the Nevada State Seal of Biliteracy beginning on Monday, October 2, 2023, from 8 a.m. through Friday, December 8, 2023. 

Students may apply by scanning the QR code on the attached Seal of Biliteracy poster or using the following website link:

There are posters in the counseling hallway, all world language classes and in the world language classroom hallway. 

Please come to room 823 if you have any questions.