The Assignment Editor probably has the toughest and most stressful job in any newsroom, as the AE has to manage
assignments, deal with logistics, monitor the wires and scanner, and keep up with local contacts.
The Assignment Editor is a key figure during the morning and afternoon meetings during which stories are selected. The AE
maintains a daily file which contains press releases, story ideas, reminders of follow-ups and scheduled events, (such as court
cases, public meetings) and contact information about events. During each news meeting the AE will run down the list of
potential stories. Generally these will be discussed and the stories chosen by either theNews Director, Assistant News
Director, Producers, or a combination of managers.
The AE then must deal with the time and logistics to make sure the selected stories are covered efficiently with the available
staff. The entails a good knowledge of the local geography. The AE must also maintain an assignment board, so that anyone in
the newsroom can know the status of a particular crew simply by quickly looking at the board. Crew assignments can come from
the AE, News Director, Managing Editor, Assistant News Director, or Producer.
The AE must also have a good "ear" for the scanner and be able to pick out chatter that might translate into a story. At most
stations, the AE has the discretion to dispatch crews for stories of this nature.
The AE or a member of the AE's staff generally is responsible for "beat calls" which require touching base with agencies like
police departments, courts and the like. The AE may make the calls or delegate them to an assistant.
At some point during the day, the AE must sort the mail, press releases and story ideas and file them in the appropriate day file.
It is helpful if the AE possesses good writing skills, and he/she may occasionally help out writing stories.
Must have strong Computer knowledge, preferred experience with professional video editing software
● Able to create pieces using various audio/visual sources.
● Flexible schedule.
● Desire to work and develop in news.
Must be able to meet deadlines.
● Adeptness to pressure situations, demonstrate good news judgment and maintain a positive attitude.
● Willingness to work long hours, overnights, overtime and weekends if necessary
● Excellent computer skills and experience in computer-assisted reporting
● Strong writing and research skills Experience working as a field producer
Green Valley Television
Human Resources
460 N. Arroyo Grande Blvd., Suite 209
Henderson, NV 89014