Tardy Policy

We would like to inform you of a recent change to the Green Valley tardy policy. Please review the information below carefully. 

Students are expected to be in class and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings each period.

 Doors WILL be locked once the final bell rings after first and second periods. All students who are tardy must report to the Student Success Office. The following consequences will be implemented for those students who are tardy.

Tardy Infraction #Student ConsequenceParent Involvement 
1Warning & Tardy ContractParentlink Notification
2WarningParentlink Notification
3Lunch DetentionPhone Call Home
4Lunch Detention Parent Conference 
5Class Disruption: 1 Day IHSPhone Call Home
6Class Disruption: RPCParent Conference
7Class Disruption: 2 Day SWIParent Conference
8+Insubordination: 10 Day Gator AcademyParent Conference
  • 1st /2nd period tardies may be excused ONLY if a parent signs their student in at the Attendance Office. Tardy notes are NOT accepted.
  • If a student is absent for part of the school day, check in/out must occur in the main office by a parent or guardian. Please note that excuse notes for partial-day absences will not be accepted.  
  • If any of the above consequences are missed, student is subject to a Required Parent Conference for Insubordination. 
  • Number of tardies starts over each quarter.