BSMCLV and NABSTMC Scholarship

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HENDERSON NEV. (GVTV NEWS)- The Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Chapter of Las Vegas (BSMCLV) and the National Association Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers Motorcycle Club (NABSTMC) is focused on advancing the history of the 9th and 10th Calvary and some other associated units in the U.S military history. As a part of that purpose, each year they offer scholarships typically ranging from $2000-$10,000 to seniors who successfully complete their review process.


  • Must graduate with a GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • Have been applied to or been accepted to a college/university

The Scholarship will be awarded based on financial need, proposed use, and overall qualifications, with emphasis on the quality of the required essay. The essay will exhibit the student’s knowledge of the historical Buffalo Soldiers.

If you’re interested, head to the counselling corner in the library to pick up an application, and reach out to your counselor with any questions you may have. Applications are due tomorrow, so make sure to get them in soon!